16:00~17:00 Présentation de projet Les lundis du CENIR: présentation du projet PLASTIC-SLEEP (étude iEEG) (Lluis Fuentemilla and Albert Compte will present their new projetct "PLASTIC-SLEEP", that will be conducted on iEEG acquired form epileptic patient implanted with intracranial electrodes.
Synaptic plasticity is thought to be a fundamental mechanism supporting learning and memory in the brain. Synaptic strengthening triggered by learning (Hebbian plasticity) during wake needs to be regulated to avoid neural network saturation. A dominating view is that such homeostatic regulation of the synaptic net activity takes place during sleep by inducing synaptic downscaling. However, direct evidence of synaptic downscaling from single unit recordings in the human brain does not exist. Here, we aim to measure amplitude and latency of peak cross-correlation between simultaneously-recorded single unit recordings and between single units and local-field potentials as a proxy of synaptic coupling and evaluate their overnight dynamics and relation with NREM and REM sleep and neuronal excitability.
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